Friday, April 22, 2016

Week 7

Today, I learned how to use a loop. Loops prevent a programmer from having to continuously type the same monotonous  string of code. I learned about 2 types of loops: the while loop and for loop. The "for" loop allows me to easily create a simple loop without having to type as much as I would with the "while" loop, but it can't be used in all loop situations. I didn't do many interesting projects with the loop, so I decided not to post any sort of link to my projects.

Friday, April 8, 2016


I had a little extra time today so I decided to make an extra program:
Press and hold the button to lift off!!!To launch again, press restart.

Week 6

Today, I extended my knowledge of the if statement. I learned how to create code that generated random numbers, and with those numbers I learned how to run a certain line of code that is only ran when a certain number is selected. Using what I learned, I created a digital magic 8 ball. If you would like to view it, click the link below:
If you would like to foresee your future, just press restart.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Week 5

Today, I learned about operators. Operators allow me to have a specific task perform under multiple conditions. Examples of operators include &, <, <, and !, with the exclamation point meaning not. Using what I learned I created a button that changes color when you press it. Although the button doesn't actually trigger a task when it is pressed (besides changing color) it's still pretty neat:

Friday, March 25, 2016

Week 4

Today, I learned about booleans, which are sets of code in a program that can only be 2 values (for example, true and false). Through what I have learned, I was able to create a number analyzer, which, depending on the number you type, will determine if the number you chose is a positive, a negative, or zero. If you would like to check it out, I've posted the link below:
Type the number you want after the equal sign in the statement var theNumber = at the top. Replace the zero with any number

Friday, March 11, 2016

Week 3

This week, I learned how to use if statements in JavaScript. To create an if statement, you state a certain condition in a program, and if that condition is met, then a specific task will be performed.
Using if statement, I was able to create an interactive painting program. If you would like to view it, copy and paste the following link into your search bar:
To paint, you just hold the mouse clicker and drag the small circle across the screen.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Week 2

Today, I learned about functions. Functions are pretty much a part of a program that performs a specific task, such as drawing a shame or figure. Today, I used functions to draw an interactive picture of a fish tank, where every time you click the screen, a new, unique fish appears. If you would like to view it, copy and paste the link below:

Just like last time, press restart to clear the drawing!

Friday, February 26, 2016

First Week

Over this week, I have learned a TON about javascript. I learned how to draw multiple shapes with code, use variables, and have text appear on the screen. I also learned how to animate shapes on the screen. Today, I used what I learned to create an ad campaign poster for a new, fake apple product. If you would like to view it, use the link below:

If you would like to watch it again, just press restart under the animation!

Friday, February 19, 2016


Image result for code
My name is Jack, and I am in the 8th grade. Programs play a big part in our everyday lives, even if you don't know it. If you drove to work or school today, you must of encountered a traffic light at some point. That traffic light runs on a series of code, or, a program. A program is a collection of instructions that perform a specific task. Through my 20% time project, I plan to learn how to code in the programming language, JavaScript. JavaScript is the main language of the internet that allows users to make their websites both more presentable and interactive. To learn how to code, I will be taking a class on Kahn Academy. I look forward to both beginning and completing this project.